2 Pridez
gayzn.com has opened up not
too long ago as a web space safe and anonymous for gay azn people to showcase
there websites, resources, and info. I helped come up with the title, something
that i was once meaning to build. A while ago when i wuz 16, a year after i came
out, i wanted to start a website that could help direct others like me to places
that people could get help. Only problem was i didn't know anything too much on
html, web page building, and my resources were limited. So instead i just
created a small website on geocities(geocities.com/shermieboi) to vent out
thoughts and feelings.
As time went by, my site evolved as well, taking
on the theme "2 Pridez". In a stylish, stereotypical, azn, gangster washed,
look. I didn't want people ta accidently get to my site through AA, or etc and
see it and think "oh no, heres another azn, bopper, over Riced site" or "Oh no
here goes another gay, flamey, rainbow site". Thats just not my style. I've
always been the "black Sheep" "outcast" around my people. I'm gay, and azn. two
very simple things to understand, but when you put them together, people freak
out. They either think you're too gay or too azn. I'm not, i balance my mind and
express my thoughts for both of my pridez. Some may say i'm not too gay enough ,
or i'm not azn enough. think what they want, i just have the thought in my head
"thats bullshiet"
Being azn doesn't mean you havta race, shoot pool, club
24/7, hang out at all the azn places. being gay doesn't mean i havta be a
drinker, clubber 24/7 (again), flamey, run around holding the rainbow flag. It
has nothing to do with those things. i mean hell, you can post ALL over your
site all that "got Rice" shiet and say you have azn pride, but you know NOTHING
about Angel Island, Coolies, your own cultural history, YOUR background. . . .
it really boggles my mind. Same with the gays, Harvey milk, the rainbow flag,
stonewall, Is Gay pride SF all about getting drunk and seeing how many people
you can snag ta sleep wid? NO! Theres reasons for all these events, theres
reasons why these things exsist in our history books ( hahah yeah, the whole 4
pages), theres reasons why Universities and College have classes on these
things. Mah GOD please! learn before you claim, if you do claim one, or two of
these things, at LEAST have the knowledge in your mind to back it up.
Someone asked me once: "Do you know anybody else like you?" i didn't even have
to hesitate to answer "no" in reference to my mind. In general though, i'm like
everyone else on this planet, gay, straight, black, white. . . i am human. i
don't prance around all feminine, rufflely, girl sqeaky voiced like a little
priss. NO not at ALL. It's a very simple concept, I LIKE GUYS. Just because i'm
gay, that doesn't mean i have to live up to those stereotypes that society
further escalates on the world to precieve what we're like. Alot of gay men act
that way because they choose to. (Remember i said "alot" not all) sometimes
though it does seem like theres some kind of spasm going on with there body. We
are not different from any other people, we eat, work, shit and sleep like
everyone else. Sexual orientation shouldn't be a reason to hate on someone. What
difference does it make about who we wanna be with? If a girl wants to be with a
girl, coo. If a guy wants to be with a guy coo. You say it's not right? HOW?
explain to me that? I'm not gonna go too deep into the scientific theroy, but
heres a little thing you might wanna research on, the point that the Default
human gene is female. Who are you to say it's not right? i respect a person for
there opinion and all, but already. . if they can't see this to be something
normal, that already prooves to me that they're closed minded. AIDS? People have
a misconception of the connection between and AIDS and gay men, saying that gay
men are the leading cause for the spread of AIDS. thats bullshiet, statistics
show that the leading group of people who're spreading AIDS is not in fact gay
men, but Heterosexual white Women. (the last time i checked i think it was
60-80%??) I've done my fair share of community work and i still do. One agency
that i'm still with is CUAV (Community United Against Violence), part of there
Youth speakers buereau. I go to High Schools and Middle schools and talk to
classes about my life, my thoughts, and my words. Kinda like what i'm doing on
here, educating people. Like my speaking gigs, i only express my views through
my own experiences. I don't represent for all gays, and azns out there, i'm here
to represent myself.
Why am i representing my Azn pride? Isn't being gay
enough? No it's not. Why should me being gay set me apart from my azn brothers
and sisters? We're from the same blood, and our ancestors probably worked with
one another. I know the struggle, i know the set backs of growing up in the US
as an azn. i've been through alot of things that many other azn kidz have been
through. It's all the same. Being gay shouldn't make these experiences any
different from what they already are. The reality of things though, it does.
Why? because people still don't accept it, people still see us as "different".
An example: When i used to be in a gang, there were many fights that would break
out, and people would be called to come as back up. After people in the gang
found out i was gay, they seized calling me to the guy fights. Instead they
decided to call me out to the girl brawls, in which i had to beat up girls. =T
not something i'm too proud of, but it's an example.
I'm ready to
challenge that thought though. I want to be living proof that there are gay azn
kidz that live life just like any other azn kid does in the city. Both prides
exsist in me strongly and continue to burn throughout my life time. Being gay
shouldn't be "me" ,it should be a part of me, like how i'm an artist. I don't
wanna be remembered as "that gay guy", i wanna be remembered as "that azn guy
whoz gay". A person that truly understands the meaning of being azn, and the
meaning of being gay.