From a battlefield to the city streets,
theres woman you musn't meet.
with two sides to her face,
she'll literally take your breath away.
Age and time was not kind to her at all,
so she's out to steal your youth,
and watch you fall.

The Story

In this world there are good people, bad people, and the truly evil ones. Ones that would do anything to get what they want, whether it be cheating, lieing, or stealing. Why does a person take that path though? Though it would be harder, isn't the right way best? What is the "right way"?, and if anything, are you really ready for the sacrifices?

Ms. Mary Huntington was always the highest of her ranks in the military. She excelled all programs and no matter the situation, it seemed she'd always come out on top. Behind her aging face though were eyes of pure obsession with being the best of the best, even if that means to get down and dirty.

One day she was informed that there was a young girl by the name of Elizabeth joining the Navy and she was pretty much flying her way to the top. The thought of this angered Mary, mostly because it seemed that this young girl was so pure and true,and she was making it as far as her. Mary took this to offense and decided not to see, nor speak to the young girl. Mary's stubborness got the better of her though, she began to think of all sorts of devious ways where she could get rid of this Elizabeth and prosper on her own. What really angered Mary the most was Elizabeth's youthfulness, at such a young age, had Elizabeth began to become an equal to Mary. Mary's plan was to wait till a war broke out, get to know Elizabeth, get in close, find the enemies, cut a temporary partnership with the enemies, destroy Elizabeth with the hands of the enemies, destroy the enemies, and then take all the credit for it. This way, she'll have Elizabeth at her fingertips and appriciation for her victory over the enemies. Mary's mind began to twist and bend with such treacherous ideas. She began to laugh with herself hysterically.

The following day she decided to politely introduce herself to Elizabeth during the lunch hour. Mary was unprepared on how Elizabeth would be like, and it turned out that everything Elizabeth had done in her life up to that point, pretty much mirrored that of Mary's life. She was amazed and impressed. The months would go by and the two saw of each other more and more. Elizabeth called Mary her godmother and took care of Mary whenever she needed it. Though happy, Mary had to constantly remind herself what this whole ordeal was about, it was about her. About Mary being the best, the top. These thoughts would wipe out all of the good thoughts she had towards Elizabeth. Right before Mary would come to the point of ending the whole "plan" a war was waged over seas. This gave Mary the green light for her plans.

When they arrived to land where they were supposed to set up there base, Mary's mind was switching on and off. "Should i be nice to her and forget the whole thing? or should i just commence with my plans?" She couldn't figure out what she wanted, but she forced herself to carry on with her plans. Thus she headed out on her own to do some discovering in the new land. It took her several days to finally locate the enemy base and all along the way her mind shifted back and fourth. Carry'ing on the plans for someones death while spending quality time with that person and expressings feelings back and frouth made Mary's mind sway. At nights, she would head out on her own to make agreements with the enemies. She'd give them all there information, who'd be leading, where will they be located, everything. The enemy lines saw this as a way to victory for there camp, but could not take aside the fact that she was about to betray her own people. Would she do that to them? The enemies began to be more cautious around Mary.

One night Elizabeth came into Mary's bunk and told her that she had met a man at the local bar in the village. Elizabeth kept talking and talking about him to Mary. In one manner, Mary was happy for Elizabeth, but in another manner she felt as if she was betrayed. Slowly and slowly the distance between Mary and Elizabeth grew more and more each day, with that, Mary began to accept the feeling of abandonment and her thoughts of continueing her plans grew more and more. Time finally came where the two sides waged battle with one another. This was the perfect chance for Mary to take her plans into the next step and she ask for Elizabeth to meet her near the enemy base at the stroke of midnight. Elizabeth agreed without hesitation.

Elizabeth met with Mary at the meeting point, and they both began to slowly head through the shrubs. Elizabeth took out her Sniper, aimed, and right when she was to make her first shot, Mary grabbed Elizabeth's arms and swung her down the hill. She watched as Elizabeth rolled to the bottom and immediatly jumped off the cliff and onto Elizabeth pinning her down to the floor. Elizabeth pushed Mary off of her and was about to pull out her beretta until she realized she was surrounded by a group of the enemies. One of the men handed Mary a machette, and she swung it at Elizabeth's right hand, slashing it off. The sight of the blood began to stir in Mary's ever bending mind, and when she saw the hand fall to the floor with the ring on it, she snapped. The men began to beat Elizabeth to the floor and later tossed her body onto a pile of other bodies that they had collected from another camp. Mary's mind was no more, she knew nothing but the insanity of being "the best" and she stood in front of Elizabeth waiting for her to wake. When she did though, Mary looked deep into Elizabeth's eyes and saw no fear. In Mary's mind this was an insult and she said "I'm sorry, but your eyes have decieved you, as well as your heart." and with this, she took out from behind her a spear and began jabbing away at Elizabeth's eye sockets in her skull. The blood excited Mary, as it was a sign of her near victory. Afterwards she ordered the men to take her away and finish her off somewhere in the desert and insisted that she return to her base. The men told her that she was actually not allowed to leave and one man took two shots from his shotgun into her legs. Mary collasped on the floor and started to reach for her own gun. One of the men stepped on her hand and crushed it in the floor. He told her that since they've seen what she was capable of doing, they wouldn't want to take any risks of her double crossing them. The only answer to this was her death. She turned around and felt something razor sharp touch and enter through the side of her neck. Suddenly this feeling became a excruciating pain as one of the men began to drive knifes into her throat and sawing away off the side. She felt the blade tear her flesh out from the side and she dropped her finally breath.

Ms. Mary Huntington, what a sad soul she was. Returning to this world as the Lady of Deceit was not her choice. More like a punishment Age was not kind to Deceit, neither did her wounds. This all give reason to why she walks around on threes with her "Cane of Deception". Though crippled and old, Deceit still vows to be the best that she could ever be this meant to destroy all competition. But theres one thing, Deceit continues her afterlife with the fear that Elizabeth would be right around the corner. With this, Deceit keeps herself well hidden away near docks and piers where she said to believe "hunts" for her next opponent to compete with. If they're young, she'll be more then merrier to take that from them.